International Exhibition 國內外活動展會

2018 Monitor Acoustics 靜神 成果發表暨國際代理商會

2018 Monitor Acoustics 靜神 成果發表暨國際代理商會
聯手英國Chord、日本UHQCD 三強鼎立、強與強的聯展

「Monitor Acoustics 靜神」近年積極推廣開發市場,並以最新的創意科技融入純熟的工藝,持續進化「MA靜神」的內涵,在經過一次次精進的技術演化,讓「MA靜神」不論走到哪裡都備受好評,讓人豎起大拇指、直說物有所值;同時「MA靜神」也是知名錄音室、母帶後製公司所指定使用的品牌,對於每個環節都要求完美的錄音、母帶後製,其內部的錄音環境、設備、電源裡的每個細節都是嚴格篩選,因為這關乎著一張張專輯唱片的最終音質呈現,「MA靜神」獲得多家知名錄音室、母帶後製公司親睞認可,也讓「MA靜神」立足全球淨化電源系統建構商的頂端。

這回在三天的「三強聯展」中,您可以在「雅士民生會場」完整看見台灣最高標準的極寬頻電源系統,以精確的聲學電源條件,讓玩家見識到最高標準Audio Power Total Solutions.的優勢在哪裡!「MA靜神」從最源頭的入室線、接地系統,到電箱、淨電系統,以及末端的室內線、壁插、清淨器、電源線……等等,您想得到、沒注意到的電源產品我們都有,就連調音角墊都有許多樣式,讓玩家依需求作選用。我們用最忠誠的態度製作產品,在這裡,您可以理解到高性能的產品,才能讓您體驗到無與倫比音響效果。
我們用最醇靚的電、最完美的音響與最嚴謹的錄音、後製,讓每個環節優勢,引出最完美的聲音,滿足您對當今最高標準要求的期待,在三天的展會期間,將由MA靜神 張總 Ken Chang在現場與大家交流分享電源的奧秘,我們做足了準備,在8月10~12日於「雅士民生會場」敬邀您的光臨指教。

Monitor Acoustics 靜神 聯展
活動時間:8月10~12日 11:00~17:30

2018 Monitor Acoustics New product results published
The Ultimate Hi-End Experience. Total Power System Solution From Monitor Acoustics.
New Technology, New Material, New Product. New Energy Performance Show

You are cordially invited to join us for Monitor acoustics joint exhibition “best of the best” with Chord from UK, UHQCD from Japan.

Monitor acoustic has been pushing aggressively in the market with innovative products along with precision in each details of manufacturing for years; it is not a surprise of how the name of “MA total silencer” came from our fans all over the world. “MA total silencer” is the appointed solution for many of the well known record studios, the details of each recording process is crafted to perfection from the master tape to the original sound track. The only reason why Monitor Acoustic is chosen for the purist production quality is for the finest power supply in each end of the equipment. In the best of the best 3 day joint exhibition on August 10- 12th, you are welcomed to witness the collaboration with Chord from UK for its famous DAC and amplifier technology, the leading music production from UHQCD and of course the total solution by Monitor acoustics with precise, purified, and extensive power.

In particular, you will be able to see at Ace Audio showroom during this “best of the best” for the highest standard, the extreme progressive power system. The precise acoustic power conditions for audiophiles to dream of, from the grounding to the power blocks, the power filter system with designated cable management and all of the connecting receptacle to the amplifiers. You will surprised to experience the large varieties of highest quality tools for power, anything you can imagine. We also have insulators as well as tuning pads just for the perfect sound. In monitor acoustics, we believe in true honesty for every product in all aspects, that you can definitely find the correct musicality with us. During this exhibition, Mr. Ken Chang will be sharing, explaining and discussing the secrets of power solutions. We are prepared for your attendance!

We would like to invite you to our MA Joint Exhibition demonstration show.

Date: 10-12/08/2018 Time: 11:30AM - 17:30PM Venue: 1F., No.153-1, Sec. 2, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan  

Looking forward to seeing you at our show.
Kind Regards,